Autonomous Collective – Plant More Trees!
A recent study showed that Minneapolis has lost 50% of its tree canopy since 1950. And that was before the tornado that wiped out huge swaths of trees in North Minneapolis and Emerald Ash Borer, which will kill tens of thousands of trees in our communities.
In 2017, Field formed a non-profit with other members of the landscape, construction, arborist and development community with a simple mission – Plant More Trees! The AC joined up with Tree Trust and together we have raised over $50,000 and planted more than 250 trees in North Minneapolis.
In early October of each year we congregate with 70 some volunteers and plant free trees for neighborhoods that have lost tree canopy. This year we are broadening our efforts to include other neighborhoods in Minneapolis and especially a new program with Bank Cherokee in St. Paul.
…Discover more about Planting For Diversity and the 30/21/10 Rule for planting trees.