Give a Tree and help stop Emerald Ash Borer
Our Twin Cities urban forest is in great danger due to the spread of Emerald Ash Borer. We will lose millions of trees due to this widespread infestation. Ultimately the greatest way to combat this is to plant as many trees of different varieties as we can, as soon as possible. When choosing trees for each project at Field, we try to maintain diversity by using no more than 30% of any one tree family, no more than 20% of any genus, and no more than 10% of any one species.
You can help! Donate $85, and a tree will be planted to help renew our urban forest. The full donation goes to Tree Trust’s Green Futures program. Each donation is matched by an anonymous donor. So for every $85 you donate, two trees will be planted. Field will throw in a third tree, by matching the first 25 trees donated.
These trees will be planted by volunteers in the Twin Cities at an event next spring. We’d love your help planting them! Everyone who donates will receive an invitation to volunteer at the planting event.
If you are interested, please email Laura at We will accept donations through next spring. Thank you!