Minneapolis Front Slope
Shady Slope Solution
The clients had a very shady and steep slope on which the turf was struggling to grow. The thinning lawn was becoming quite problematic not only visually, but also from a maintenance perspective. It was difficult to mow and the mower was beginning to leave ruts which were further eroding. Our partners at Home Sown Gardens recommended they reach out to Field for a solution. We converted the slope to a shady planting with boulder accents. The boulevard was also converted to garden bed to remove the need to bring a mower down the slope.
Landscape Key Elements - What's Unique in this Design

Post Installation (2021)
Slope and boulevard planting after installation with glacial boulder outcroppings and stone edging.

Year One Growth (2022)
This tough, low maintenance combo of plants is thriving!

Boulevard Planting (2022)
A matrix planting of Carex, Hosta, and Geranium take this boulevard from maintenance headache to beautiful.