Why We Love Rocks
In tight spaces we can solve almost any drainage issue or slope issue with well placed rocks – from outcrops to full walls.
Rocks are just natural in the landscape – and the perfect foil for our natural low-maintenance plantings.
They Last
Nothing lasts longer than a rock!
In addition rocks are quarried locally, inspire the jumping child in us all and are a work of art all by themselves.
prag·ma·gi·na·tion | \ prag-ˌma-jə-ˈnā-shən
Everything we do is focused on most impact for every investment
Schedule a Consult
What is the scope of your project?
Most projects start with a paid-for design. Projects are completed by our amazing installation crews.
Typical projects include:
• Patio and living spaces
• Walls and slopes
• Full backyards
• Full front yards
• Front yard patios
• Raingardens
• Overall planting design
Simpler projects that might be a good fit:
• Patio projects that don’t need a design
• Bee lawns
• Front Slopes
• Foundation Plantings