Why We Love Rocks
In tight spaces we can solve almost any drainage issue or slope issue with well placed rocks – from outcrops to full walls.
Rocks are just natural in the landscape – and the perfect foil for our natural low-maintenance plantings.
They Last
Nothing lasts longer than a rock!
In addition rocks are quarried locally, inspire the jumping child in us all and are a work of art all by themselves.
Walls & Rockwork
From a multi-tier wall system to a single, perfectly chosen rock in a planting bed, rocks inspire us and we hope they inspire you too. All of our rocks are hand-chosen for the job. Isn’t it comforting to know you are building something that will last?
In addition rocks are quarried locally, inspire the jumping child in us all and are a work of art all by themselves.
prag·ma·gi·na·tion | prag-ˌma-jə-ˈnā-shən
Everything we do is focused on most impact for every investment
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What’s your budget??
It is ok not to know how your budget aligns with your project ideas. Throughout the entire process budget is a key part of the conversation. We want to get to the right scope and project that matches your budget quickly.
A few things to keep in mind:
• Our two day projects, such as front foundations with plantings, generally start at $8,000-$10,000.
• Patios, walls, and small space installations often take 3-5 days.
• It is not uncommon to phase projects. We are happy to assist with phased budgeting.
Our design team can help you get to the right scope for the right project quickly.